Hello world! Welcome to Talks with Eve!

Inner Thoughts
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Hi, my name is Eve. Welcome to my new blog on women and our personal yet not so unique thoughts!  Thank you for being here!

Are you, like me?  Literally bombarded by your own personal thoughts, unable to create space in your mind? All.  Day. Long. Do thoughts crowd your mind?!  Thoughts that appear to be random?  Usually, your thoughts have nothing to do with the task that is currently in front of you.  Absolutely NOTHING! 

I found some help in journaling. I created space in my mind in expressing my thoughts on paper, and it helped in clarifying my thoughts.  Did you know that even doodling, could help to clear your head of some of these thoughts?

Creating Space

Creating space in your mind can actually help you in sorting out and making sense of your thoughts.  It can lead to “AHA” moments.  Check out Thrive Mind’s blog post for more interesting information about creating space in your mind. Yes, you can (and will) find out that your thoughts actually do make sense.

You only need to take the time to just…BE!  Similar to a jigsaw puzzle box, toss (mentally of course), to separate all the pieces.  Spread them out (still in your mind).  Then spend some time sorting and looking at each.  Find where and how each piece fits in the big picture.  No?  Do you not think this is possible?

The Blog Seed

Skeptical? Don’t worry.  I was too in the beginning.  The idea for my blog sprouted from this seed of creating space.  You see, just like you, I think A LOT…all day…non-stop! My thoughts swirl around persistently, even while I am in the presence of, and in conversation with, other people!  Thoughts also persist when I am asleep it seems.  I would wake up the next day with my thoughts even more crowded!

The thought occurred to me.  Hmmm, wouldn’t it be fun and interesting to have a blog?  To share thoughts with other women? 

It would be exciting, fascinating too, to see how much our thoughts are similar.  Maybe together, we could even brainstorm our problems or issues.  We could then help each other to find solutions or resolutions.  How awesome would that be?

Women are Multilayered

A woman is a multilayered individual.  The number of layers depends on how deep your struggles/challenges go, and your reason(s) for creating each one.  You are like the maestro of an orchestra. 

You are the conductor (controller) of the symphony of all these layers.  The goal, solely to keep any (or all) of them from going haywire!  This may be why you feel mentally drained at the end of the day.

Subconscious Thoughts

Our minds subconsciously process many thoughts. Have you ever stopped to think about all the thoughts processed without you even being aware of them?  From the moment you open your eyes when you wake up until you go to bed and close them again.

The American Academy of Family Physicians has the most interesting blog post on women’s thoughts in the workplace. The post is infused with a little humor.  It describes women’s thoughts as they struggle in the workplace to deal with their male counterparts.  It is a LOT!  Phew!  Geez, when does it ever end?! 

The Key Protection – The Outermost Layer

The outermost layer, the one the world sees, is hands down the most important.  You never EVER want to appear as if you do NOT have it all together.  Oh no…NEVER…EVER!

We have a saying in my culture (I was born in Jamaica), you are “as wrong as two left feet”!  Maybe you have a similar saying in your own culture.

My friends are quite comfortable in expressing sensitive and personal information to me.  They feel confident as without being asked, I generally treat all conversations with confidentiality.  On several occasions, it has been suggested I should have been a counselor or therapist.

My conversations with them have revealed that many are not authentic.  Their outer layer, however, may appear genuine.  This outer layer can be compared to Kevlar, a very important part of the uniform of police or military personnel.  The layer is akin to a body armor…a layer of defense…key protection, from anything or anyone that comes too close for comfort.

The Seed Germination – Sharing Thoughts

My blog, Talks with Eve, is about diving into, exploring, revealing, discussing, and sharing thoughts.  The thoughts you have but for whatever reason, for however long, you have never expressed them out loud. 

You may think they are unique to you.  That no one else has the same thoughts.  No one would even understand if you should reveal your thoughts. 

You are a unique individual.  Your thoughts are indeed unique to your particular situation, your life.  But wait…let you and me, just for a little bit please, pause…briefly…to think and talk about emotions. 

Emotions are Universal

Did you know that “they” (psychologists, sociologists, and all the other “…gists”) have an ongoing discussion on emotions being universal?  The current discussion indicates that at least seven basic emotions are universal.  However, the number may be anywhere between 3-8, or more, depending on the “…gist” who is reporting the data.

Many of these emotions are worn directly on your face. 

The basic emotions are “anger, contempt, disgust, fear, enjoyment, sadness, and surprise” ~ The Origin of Universal Human Emotion by David Matsumoto, Ph.D.  They are considered to be basic because they have characteristics universal to all…people and culture. 

According to Dr. David Matsumoto, emotions are integral to our survival, and without them, we could not live.  Emotions “drive us to pursue happiness, and to be creative in music, art, drama, and work…they inspire us to search the sea and space…they allow us to go the moon…send probes to Mars and Jupiter” ~ The Origin of Universal Human Emotion by David Matsumoto, Ph.D.

Want to Know More About Emotions?

Are you interested in reading more about this data on emotions?  The research study by Dr. Matsumoto explains emotions.  Be sure to read the section on how your feelings are triggered by your emotions. 

Some of the examples are very humorous.  Others are quite cringe-worthy!  Enjoy reading!  After you have read the details of the study, please do share your comments with me.  I would love to hear your thoughts.

You Are Not Alone in Your Thoughts

You may not be alone in your thoughts.  I know that is contrary to what you might think or believe.  You may be of different age, race, ethnicity, or gender identity.  Or you live in a different geographical location.  Maybe you are single, married, divorced or of widowed status.  No matter your situation, there are other women, who may have thoughts that are pretty much similar to yours. 

You may feel alone because of your thoughts.  However, based on my experience, you don’t have to feel that way.  YOU ARE NOT ALONE.  Not really.

My blog is to be a place where I hope you will find that you are not alone.  It doesn’t matter how many layers you have that others will never see.  I want to share my thoughts with you. 

I also will share general thoughts expressed by other women.  Thoughts with which I know they are struggling.  General topics, that is, not anything that is personal or specific in nature.  Topics from feeling unworthy, anxious, depressed, and overwhelmed, to finding calmness, peace, and balance. 

My blog will serve as a source.  Reminding you (me too), that you are surrounded by other women with layers of pain, sadness, joy, and happiness.  The outer layer, the one visible to the world, is unmarred in its beauty.  Beautiful like the bloom of a flower.  The signs of her inner insecurities and all her struggles however remain hidden from the world.

The Bloom – Our Sisterhood

I want you and me to engage in some girl talk, outside of your inner circle, your “usual suspects”.  I hope you will also encourage them to join in the discussion.  We can all support, inform, inspire, and empower each other through a large network of sisterhood. 

I want to expand the girl talk to beyond just us.  At the core, notwithstanding cultural values and practices, I believe female thoughts, are all quite similar. 

It is my hope that you will read this (and any future) blog post, and feel the desire to share.  Exchange comments, and thoughts.  I hope it will resonate with even one other woman.  Signifying to her, an acknowledgment, that none of you is truly alone in your thoughts.

Again, welcome to my blog Talks with Eve.  Thank you, I appreciate your visit.  Please do stop by again (and again) to share your thoughts.  Also to comment on those of other readers.  Let’s talk soon.

~ Stars cannot shine without darkness~ Author Unknown

About Eve 97 Articles
A small island girl living her best life in the USA.


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