You’re Always Making A Choice

you always have a choice
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

~ At any time, in every situation, you are making a choice. When you do not make a conscious choice, by default, you have unconsciously made a choice ~ talkswitheve


You’re always making a choice. Did you know that? There is never a moment when you are not. Every moment that you are awake, consciously, or unconsciously, choices are being made.

How you are cognizant that you have even made a choice, is when you are faced with the outcome of the choice. Can you recall a time when you were puzzled by a current situation and wondered how you got there?

It is interesting, maybe surprising to some, to know that the result of your choices is your life.

Your life is a result of your choices

Your life is a result of your choices whether you are conscious of making them or not. An example of your unconscious thought is choosing to allow the choices others make for how to live your life.

You are each a unique individual and no one else is like you. Therefore, no one can know what is important to you – but you. The choice is yours, you can say no. However, by not choosing to act on your own behalf, others’ choices, not yours, will impact your life.

Each new day, as soon as you become awake, you start making choices. My first one, on most days, is hitting the snooze button. Actually, I will hit it several times because I am not ready to leave the comfort of my bed. It’s really my body telling my brain it needs a few more minutes – or so I believe!

The problem with making the choice of hitting the snooze button more than once is, I have shortened my time for preparations for my day. A certain amount of time is necessary to get showered, dressed, and eat breakfast so that I can be on time for work.

On the mornings when I hit the snooze button, however, to recover some of my lost time, I would skip breakfast. The consequence of my choice to sleep a little longer is not having breakfast – a very poor choice. It has been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Choice has a consequence

Choice has a consequence, so whether you made the choice, or it was made for you, dealing with it – or not – is left up to you. Most importantly, in order to properly deal with it, you must also take responsibility for the choice made.

The reason for owning the choice is to become more self-aware. The more aware you are of the choice and the resulting consequence – cause and effect – the better you will be in making better choices in the future.

Even if you didn’t make the choice you should still own it. If you don’t own it, that in itself is also making a choice. Owning it affords you the opportunity to reflect on the choice and its consequence.

After you have experienced the consequences of a choice you didn’t make, in owning the choice, you can then learn from it. Can you now see how making choices is constant?

You’re always making a choice

You’re always making a choice. So if you want your life to be different, in any way, you must become more aware of the choices being made.  It starts with self-awareness – a conscious choice by the way.

Nothing happens in a vacuum. Everything that happens has a purpose. Every choice that you make has a purpose. Choices define you – or so it is perceived.

Becoming more aware of you and who you are, will empower you to make better choices. Then the choices that you make should truly reflect who you are in life.

Let’s talk

According to best-selling author and motivational speaker Dr. Denis Waitley, “There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them”. This means you are constantly making a choice.

Either you are making the choice of continuous acceptance – living with the status quo – or you are choosing to change your current reality.

Life doesn’t just happen. Life happens as a result of our choices.

Are you aware of the choices you are making, and how important they are in how they affect your life?

Do you know what your choices say about you?

Let’s talk!





About Eve 97 Articles
A small island girl living her best life in the USA.

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