Never Enough Time

never enough time
Photo by Ruby Schmank on Unsplash

~ We each have the same number of hours available to use each day. Take a closer look into how you are using your hours. You will find all the answers you need ~ talkswitheve


Have you found that there is never enough time to do all the things you want to do? Why is that?

Others may call it time anxiety, making it more about our emotional state. We are said to be overwhelmed by all that we need to do.

However, I feel it’s because we really don’t pay much attention to time. Does anyone? We don’t, that is unless we have to get somewhere – work or appointment – at a specific time, then we become time-focused. Well, some, not all of us as many of us are still late for work or even appointments.

Some people are always late

I am sure you know some people are always late because each of us has someone we know who is never on time. Chronic lateness can sometimes be attributed to an underlying, undiagnosed health issue – for example, depression.

A Google search will result in findings of many articles expanding on all the reasons some people are chronically late. Despite the many research done, it could be habitual because of the person’s personality. Apparently, we can be wired to manage time.

I can admit I have no concept of time. Thinking I would take a short break and scroll through my Instagram account for a few minutes, may turn out to be as much as an hour later before I look up from my screen! So I know if I am getting ready for an appointed time, not to even open social media.

Making a choice

Maybe I am wrong, but in my opinion, I feel it comes down to making a choice. You are always making a choice – whether you are late or on time. Recognize and realize on one hand, that when you are late, you are not only inconveniencing others, but you are also disrespecting their time.

On the other hand, it is also a reflection of you. What message does it send to others about your character?

There is no reason for you to be late – ever! Unless of course, something happened that was totally out of your control. Life can, and does, happen – all the time.

Never enough time

The option we all have to make choices brings me back to why there is never enough time. We all have enough time. It comes down to what and where we choose to focus our time.

I absolutely hate schedules as I want to do what I want to do whenever I choose. However, as there are only 24 hours in a day, many of which I am fast asleep, I need to be realistic.

Figuring out how much time I need to accomplish a particular task is a step towards using my time wisely. Mostly, I need to pay attention to the number of tasks that I say yes to, as therein lies the consumption of most of my time.

Pick apart how you spend your hours to find out how and where your time is being drained. Reach out to others if there are “must-do” tasks where you need support. It is okay, and courageous, in being vulnerable in asking for help. There are people ready, willing, and able to support you. Don’t try to do it all by yourself.

Life is meant to be lived fully – and enjoyed. Be free to enjoy it as time passed cannot be recaptured.

There is enough time – make the most of your 24 hours.




About Eve 97 Articles
A small island girl living her best life in the USA.

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